Solarpunk envisions possible worlds upgrading every dimension of social, economic and political life so we develop our meta-nation through different all these areas from a regenerative perspective:

Captura de pantalla 2022-09-23 a las 12.51.10.png

These areas run across all 3 action streams: nodes, activism and fundraising. Thus, the projects within each action stream are related to some or even all of these areas. Also, the work carried out in any of these areas will be oriented to the achievement of objectives for either one or the other action stream.

W3ST´s Mission outlines three main ACTION STREAMS and the areas exposed function as the guilds supporting the projects under such streams (other guilds could be available to cover the required focus).

As the community grows, as do its needs, the identified guilds will get initiated and commence their activity by nurturing conversations and defining milestones and tasks. Other guilds could be activated to cover the required focus for the projects and the supportive activity of the DAO

The triggers for crafting a guild will come from an internal decision from the Board or Contributor members or a request made by the community.

<aside> 🚨 (see the ✅ to know the active guilds and the ❌ inactive*)*


The list of the DAO’s main guilds is as follows:

❌**🕹(POL)**Politics & Governance

❌**⚖️(LEG)**Legal & Finance

❌🏠**(ARQ)**Architecture & Urbanism

❌🚃**(MOB)** Mobility & Transportation

❌⚙️**(PRO)**Production processes


❌⚡️**(ENE)**Energy & Resources