The inception of the project began back in early September 2021 with a Foundational internal meeting and from that moment onwards the ball started to roll and get bigger! A cliff was ahead of the team as the milestones foreseen and envisioned were both challenging and highly demanding for the current skillset amongst the involved members. Many gaps had to be addressed to have the proper foundations in-house before tackling the actual needs of the project.

For us all, the community and the team, to be on the same page and cooperate optimally, some recurrent meetings are held to both provide an update on the overall progress as well as address direct feedback to better steer.

Currently, three main recurring meetings are being scheduled. The Board meeting involves the Board members' discussions and decision-making on core project topics. Likewise, a Community meeting is a similar gathering organised with the whole community where major updates on the DAO and ongoing projects, forthcoming initiatives, and voting are shared and discussed publicly. For the newcomers to feel welcomed and guided, an Onboarding meeting is held to give an introduction about the W3ST DAO, answer any questions, and provide some next steps while encouraging them on enrolling on some guilds.

Each of the guilds and projects and initiatives held internal meetings yet the scheduling is aligned with each group members.

There are also some recurring meetings for each guild and ongoing projects and initiatives.

All the events are listed and accessible from the discord server.

🧑🏽‍🔬Foundational Internal Meeting

Date: 9/9/2021

Frequency: Once

Duration: 4 hours

Agenda: Brainstorming session to build a DAO around a fictional universe with real action plan on the tangible reality. Identify main key factors of the projects, rough timeline, and team.

🍀Board meeting

Frequency: weekly

Audience: Board members